Thursday, August 12, 2010

i miss baltimore

i finally made a photo book of our baltimore years.  been meaning to do it forever...and really. it took me like 30 hours, so honestly i was probably never going to get around to it. hooray for bedrest. anyway. what a crazy place. isn't it lovely how time smooths things over?  even with all the headaches and heartaches, it was a really pivotal part of our life. we became ourselves there.

we know that city better than people who grew up there. some of my favorite people and places in the whole world are there.  son #1 spent half his life there. son #2 was born there. paul is still technically going to school there (but that's another topic for another day...).

while i was there, i often said, "i can't WAIT to miss baltimore." can i just say, i was right--it is wonderful to miss baltimore.


  1. isn't it funny how life works out that way? i love how you put it, "we became ourselves there".

  2. I miss Baltimore, too! Although, really, I miss Baltimore county, not Hampden! Ha ha! Good for you for getting stuff done! I would probably just lay around and complain. I hope your little baby is developing well while you rest! Baltimore, and Silver Spring, misses you too! (Everyone talks about you here a lot!)

  3. ME TOO!!! We talk about quite frequently. *sigh* Although Bmore wouldn't be the same without you guys...

  4. I want to see that book! Way to go. I miss that I never went to visit...boy did I blow it!
