Thursday, July 29, 2010


what every mom wants, at least until you get stuck with it.

it was so not in my plans to be put on bedrest this week.

a bit of history:

my first baby was born at 35 weeks, out of the blue, after just a few hours of labor.
my second was born at 36 after 2 months of braxton hicks contractions.
this one is giving me lots of contractions, a positive fetal fibronectin test, and other issues that landed me in bed.

the dr's office is giving no information except-- lie down and take your pills, dear.
not impressed. but there's not much i can do about it.  i can't even get out of bed to go change to another doctor.  anyway. i'm going to be updating my blog a LOT more frequently, and maybe will even write a book too.

if i make i through this, it will be completely due to technology--facebook and blogs and my phone-- and my saint of a husband who will be doing everything while i lie here and watch.

hope to see you all around here a lot in the next couple months!


  1. I'm sorry you're stuck on bedrest, Steph! I wish I was there to keep you company and help you order Paul around. :) But since it's still way too early for the baby to make his debut, I suppose it's for the best. Time to bust out some period dramas, I think.

  2. i have no words. except a visitor from overton, nevada is going to be praying for you and calling you and sending you good destressing vibes.

    rent a book/dvd on mental relaxation techniques. seriously.

    love all of you. and if you ever need any cheerleading: IT IS SO WORTH IT. IT IS SO WORTH IT. IT IS SO WORTH IT. the end.

  3. Oh Steph!!!!! I will be over to visit tomorrow!! Can I bring you anything?! Call me.

  4. Glad you are taking this seriously! If I were you I wouldn't even move. At least you have a laptop right? loves

  5. Definitely write a book. You're brilliant, so you should. :) I'm sorry that you're on bed rest though! I'll send all my good thoughts and prayers your way. blog's not that great, but here it is:
    Love, Jenn Harlow

  6. Steph! You can do it! I will call soon and give you a long list of awesome movies (most of which you may have already seen...) Love you!

  7. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I read about your bed rest on Annie's blog. I feel for ya. I only had to go through it once for a few weeks, but it was enough to make me feel complete sympathy for any woman who has to go through this for any length of time. All I can say is you can make it through and get netflix so you can watch instant movie on your computer.

  8. Another complete stranger via Annie's blog-- but I can't not give a little bit of electronic encouragement. My heart goes out to you tough ladies who go through hell and back to bring healthy and happy kiddos into this world. You can get through this! and holding that precious baby will be the sweetest feeling in the world.
    Oh, and for those moments when you are feeling a little blue-- I get a kick out of this youtube video every single time:

  9. Oh, Steph! I'm so sorry! But I'll admit...I'm glad you'll be blogging more. :) Let me know when I get to preview the book, I can't wait! Good luck with everything!

  10. Your Auntie Deborah here!

    so sorry you have to go through this--but lots and lots of prayers and good vibes coming your way.

    and as you send your thoughts out into the blogosphere, keep in mind--people ARE "listening" and loving you and what you are sharing--even the piddly little details of your day as well as the profound musings of your heart.

    I love being able to be connected to you in this small way.

  11. So sorry to hear that you're stuck. I'll keep you in my prayers!


  12. Yup, another stranger! Annie is awesome, so i'm sure you are too!! I have never been pregnant, let alone on bed rest, so I can't give you any advice. My husband and I have been married 6 years! But I haven't given up, just put it in the Lords hands. Trials suck! But it will totally be worth it!! :) Good luck!!! :)
