Monday, September 6, 2010


i think i might be addicted. i have made 4 baby hats, 3 pair of baby shorts, one pair of baby long pants, 3 diaper covers, and a baby sweater.  it seems to be the only that keeps me occupied.  the medication i take to stop the contractions makes me shaky and jittery and gives me a headache, so i can't really concentrate on reading. but i can watch documentaries and listen to podcasts and knitting keeps me from feeling so jittery yucky. 

next up: socks (ack! i've been avoiding learning how to knit socks for years) and maybe some cute mommy headbands for after baby comes, when doing my hair goes to the bottom of the to-do list.

i would take pictures, but...the camera is on the other side of the house...maybe i will post a pic later.


  1. Ick what awful med side effects! I'm glad you found something to keep your mind of it. And I want to see your knitting and photo books!

    so... when is hair NOT at the bottom of the to-do list?? :)

  2. do not fear the socks!!! LOL once I made a pair, they became one of my favorite things to knit--turning the heel is fun!

  3. knitting! i'm always envious of that talent. make my girls some cute babylegs while you're at it : )
